Wednesday, March 20, 2013


today,  i sit in the window working on my ananke shawl.  the rain falls with amazing grace while dancing on the pavement....soothing my inner core and filling me with peace.  finally.  i want it to rain foreverif i hear even one person complain about the rain i just might have to knock their block off!  you see, i live in a place that doesn't rain all summer and into the fall.  it is greener in the winter than the summer.  we've had an incredibly dry winter and we need this rain. but then i am biased...i'm not a sunshine person. bring it on!!!

the colors of my shawl are deep and dark yet warm.  i want to wrap my whole being in it.  hidden.  unfortunately it's only about five inches long.  as i knit, the wooden needles warm my fingers as i listen to the conversations of others.  the worries of a mother concerning her son's diabetes.  the chatter of the tiniest little human...talking like a grown up.  the giggle she makes after producing the loudest burp imaginable makes me smile... real big.  how lucky she is to have such a nice grandma in her life.  thoughts of my own family penetrate.  thinking of my aging mother; feelings of guilt and shame wash over me.  wishing i could do more for her.

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